Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Soccer Season | Wyoming/ Lambton County Events Photographers

I had to go through these photos carefully as it is against school policy to post photos of the other children without parental consent, so these are only of our girls. Murray and I were thrilled to learn that both our girls were going to be playing on the soccer team this fall. I attended their tournament cameras in tow, of course. What a beautiful day it was! It was great to watch all the girls play and work as a team. I was impressed with the huge number of boys and girls from our school who played. Our daughters' school in not that large, but I think almost every one of the children from grades 5 to 8 participated. Both teams got royally whooped, but they were playing schools two to three times their size that only had their grade seven and eight students playing, It was like watching David face Goliath. The giants among the dwarfs :o)!

It's good to see our daughters running and participating with their classmates:

Because we remember moments, not days...

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