Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Learning Curve Year | Sarnia/ Lambton County Photographers

This year was the year for several learning curves for both Murray and I. Some were related to photography itself and others were related to the business side.

Without further ado and in no particular order:

1) We will never take on a church directory ever again. It's simply way too much work!
2) Make it very clear to your clients what your pricing is and why.
3) Always, always, back up your shoots immediately, or don't delete the card until you have.
4) Watch where you put your horizon line.
5) Check to be sure your subjects haven't moved between setting them up and adjusting your camera.
6) Not everyone has to smile all the time.
7) There is good bokeh and bad bokeh and I've seen enough of both to know the difference.
8) Shooting indoors with little to no natural light is very difficult, but can be mastered.
9) Anyone with a digital camera thinks they're a photographer -- and perhaps some are/could be.
10) Always check your settings on your camera before you begin shooting.
11) Even the best photogs edit and enhance their photos to give them that edge that just doesn't come SOOC (straight out of camera).
12) Generally a non photog however, cannot tell the difference between a SOOC photo and an edited one.

Well, that being said, I'm sure there is more I can add (when I think of it), but that's already a pretty long list.

Some positives:

1) Doing our church's directory certainly gave us lots of experience and in all kinds of weather conditions too. Now I just wish We could do a few winter shoots!
2) We've met and continue to visit, learn, and share with all kinds of other fabulous photogs.
3) I pretty much know my camera inside out.
4) I discovered my favorite areas of photography.
5) I'm getting much better at photoshop.
6) I can not go a day without seeing a photo in something or someone.

Through the much less busy winter months, Murray and I will spend some time re-evaluating our goals and direction. I can't see not picking up my camera daily.

Finally, because a post is much more interesting with a photo:

Remembering those learning moments...

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